“Shaving has to be
“Shaving has to be one hundred percent.”
Perfect grip and full control
The ribbed GALLANT handle ensures a steady and efficient grip of the razor and furthermore, giving you a controlled view of the area being prepared.
The contour of the body
The GALLANT razor smoothly follows the natural contours of the body. The procedure therefore becomes safer and more efficient than traditional razors.
Quality ensures the results!
The razor blade is made of high quality stainless steel with a Teflon coating for further smoothness. A slight fingertip pressure allows the blade to shave close to the skin without causing skin irritations or cuts.
The GALLANT comb is specially designed to keep the blade clean during shaving. Please note that the GALLANT razor works just as well with or without foam or gel.
Space saver
GALLANT packaging has been designed to save as much space as possible for transportation and storage. Clever packaging also allows for easy recycling.
User instructions, Certificates, Registrations and more…
Please contact us for further information about our product.